MediaArena is software that presents itself as a useful tool but reconfigures certain browser settings to steal your search queries. It disguises various functionalities such as a docx-to-pdf converter and a video-to-animated-GIF converter.
This software is distributed through advertisements displayed on web pages as part of an ongoing malvertising campaign. The victim is lured into clicking on the advertisement and may unknowingly install this tool on their workstation. All search queries entered by the victim are then redirected to a third party, where search results are accompanied by ads, and the queries themselves are collected and sold. This allows malicious actors to manipulate search results, gather data on your company, and inject targeted drive-by downloads, among other activities.

BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena Detection
What is BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena?
The BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena detection you can see in the lower right side is demonstrated to you by Microsoft Defender. That anti-malware application is pretty good at scanning, but prone to be generally unstable. It is vulnerable to malware attacks, it has a glitchy interface and problematic malware-clearing capabilities. Therefore, the pop-up that states about the MediaArena is rather just a notification that Defender has detected it. To remove it, you will likely need to use another anti-malware program.
The exact BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena infection is a very unpleasant thing. It sits inside of your computer disguised as a part of something benevolent, or as a part of the app you have got on a forum. Then, it makes all possible steps to weaken your system. At the end of this “party”, it downloads other malicious things – ones that are chosen by cybercriminals who manage this malware. Hence, it is likely impossible to predict the effects of MediaArena’s actions. And the unpredictability is one of the most unpleasant things when we are talking about malware. That’s why it is better not to choose at all, and not let the malware complete its task.
姓名 | MediaArena Browser Modifier |
偵測 | BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena |
Relation | PDFMagic.exe, PDFPower.exe |
Details | BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena is a classification used by Windows Defender to identify specific types of potentially unwanted browser extensions or add-ons that can modify your browser settings and behavior without your consent. |
Is MediaArena Dangerous?
As mentioned before, there’s no such thing as harmless malware. BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena is no exception. This virus harms your system. Cybercriminals can steal your data and sell it on the Darknet. They can also make money by displaying ads through adware and browser hijacking features in BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena. Each ad view earns a small amount, but it adds up when victims have some views daily. With many victims viewing ads daily, that’s heavy profit. The math is straightforward, but the outcome is unfortunate. Being a victim of cybercriminals is not a wise choice. It can also:
- Change your browser settings without consent, like your homepage, search engine, or extensions.
- Redirect browsers to fake sites that steal sensitive information like login credentials and credit card details.
- Inject and display unwanted advertisements, often pop-ups, banners, or in-text ads. These ads can be intrusive and disrupt your browsing experience.
- Collect your browsing data and personal information, such as search history, login details, and sensitive data.
How to remove BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena?
BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena malware is very hard to delete by hand. It places its documents in multiple locations throughout the disk and can restore itself from one of the elements. Moreover, various changes in the Windows registry, networking settings, and Group Policies are pretty hard to discover and revert to the original. It is far better to utilize a specific program – exactly, an anti-malware app. GridinSoft Anti-Malware will fit the best for malware removal purposes.
Remove BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena with Gridinsoft Anti-Malware
從那時起我們就一直在我們的系統上使用這個軟體, 而且在檢測病毒方面一直很成功. It has blocked the most common Browser Modifiers as 從我們的測試中可以看出 與軟體, and we assure you that it can remove BrowserModifier:MSIL/MediaArena as well as other malware hiding on your computer.

使用 Gridinsoft 刪除惡意威脅, 請依照以下步驟操作:
1. 首先下載 Gridinsoft Anti-Malware, 透過下面的藍色按鈕或直接從官方網站訪問 網格軟體.
2.一旦 Gridinsoft 安裝文件 (安裝-gridinsoft-fix.exe) 已下載, 透過點擊該檔案來執行它. Follow the installation setup wizard's instructions diligently.

3. 訪問 "掃描選項卡" on the application's start screen and launch a comprehensive "全碟掃描" 檢查您的整台計算機. 這種包容性掃描涵蓋了內存, 啟動項, 註冊表, 服務, 司機, 和所有文件, 確保它檢測到隱藏在所有可能位置的惡意軟體.

要有耐心, as the scan duration depends on the number of files and your computer's hardware capabilities. 利用這段時間放鬆或處理其他任務.
4. 完成後, 反惡意軟體將提供一份詳細報告,其中包含您 PC 上偵測到的所有惡意專案和威脅.

5. 從報告中選擇所有已識別的項目,然後放心地單擊 "立即清潔" 按鈕. 此操作將從您的電腦中安全地刪除惡意文件, 將它們轉移到反惡意軟體程式的安全隔離區,以防止任何進一步的有害行為.

6. 如果出現提示, 重新啟動電腦以完成完整的系統掃描過程. 此步驟對於確保徹底消除任何剩餘威脅至關重要. 重啟後, Gridinsoft Anti-Malware 將會開啟並顯示一則訊息,確認 掃描完成.
請記住 Gridinsoft 提供 6 天免費試用. 這意味著您可以免費利用試用期體驗軟體的全部優勢,並防止您的系統將來受到任何惡意軟體感染. Embrace this opportunity to fortify your computer's security without any financial commitment.