の Shinra virus is part of the Proton ransomware family. This type of ransomware encrypts all data on your PC—including photos, text files, spreadsheets, audio, and video files—and adds a unique extension to each file. It also leaves a #SHINRA-Recovery.txt file in every folder that contains encrypted files.
What is the Shinra virus?
The Shinra virus is a type of Proton ransomware. Once infected, your files will be renamed according to the scheme: .神羅3. 例えば, a file named “report.docx” would change to “report.docx.DQ9MBVc09h.SHINRA3”.

Files encrypted by SHINRA ransomware (.SHINRA3 extension)
In every folder with encrypted files, you’ll find a #SHINRA-Recovery.txt text file. This file is essentially a ransom note that provides instructions on how to pay the ransom and obtain a decryption tool from the virus developers. To get this tool, you need to contact qq.decrypt@gmail.com or qq.encrypt@gmail.com.
Shinra Summary:
名前 | Shinra Virus |
Ransomware family | Proton ランサムウェア |
Extension | .神羅3 |
Ransomware note | #SHINRA-Recovery.txt |
Contact | qq.decrypt@gmail.com, qq.encrypt@gmail.com |
Detection | Ransom:Win64/Akira.CCDR!MTB, Ransom.Shinra, Win64:RansomX-gen [Ransom], ML.Attribute.HighConfidence |
Symptoms | Your files (photos, videos, documents) have a .SHINRA3 extension and you can’t open them. |
Fix Tool | See If Your System Has Been Affected by Shinra virus |
の #SHINRA-Recovery.txt document accompanying the Shinra malware provides the following dispiriting information:
~~~ SHINRA ~~~ >>> What happened? We encrypted and stole all of your files. We use AES and ECC algorithms. Nobody can recover your files without our decryption service. >>> What guarantees? You can send us an unimportant file less than 1 MG, We decrypt it as guarantee. If we do not send you the decryption software or delete stolen data, no one will pay us in future so we will keep our promise. >>> How to contact us? Our email address: qq.decrypt@gmail.com In case of no answer within 24 時間, contact to this email: qq.encrypt@gmail.com Write your personal ID in the subject of the email. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Your ID: - <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> Warnings! - Do not go to recovery companies, they are just middlemen who will make money off you and cheat you. They secretly negotiate with us, buy decryption software, and will sell it to you many times more expensive or they will simply scam you. - Do not hesitate for a long time. The faster you pay, the lower the price. - Do not delete or modify encrypted files, it will lead to problems with decryption of files.
In the screenshot below, you can see what a directory with files encrypted by Shinra looks like. Each filename has the “.神羅3” extension appended to it.
How did Shinra ransomware end up on my PC?
There are many possible ways of ransomware injection.
There are currently three most popular ways for evil-doers to have ransomware settled in your digital environment. These are email spam, Trojan infiltration, and peer networks.
- If you access your mailbox and see letters that look just like notifications from utility services providers, postal agencies like FedEx, web-access providers, and whatnot, but whose addresser is strange to you, beware of opening those emails. They are very likely to have a harmful file enclosed in them. So it is even riskier to download any attachments that come with emails like these.
- Another option for ransom hunters is a Trojan virus model. A Trojan is an object that gets into your machine pretending to be something legal. 例えば, you download an installer of some program you want or an update for some software. But what is unboxed turns out to be a harmful agent that encrypts your data. Since the update package can have any title and any icon, you have to make sure that you can trust the resources of the things you’re downloading. The optimal way is to trust the software developers’ official websites.
- As for the peer file transfer protocols like torrent trackers, the danger is that they are even more trust-based than the rest of the Web. You can never know what you download until you get it. So you’d better be using trustworthy websites. Also, it is reasonable to scan the folder containing the downloaded files with the anti-malware utility as soon as the downloading is complete.
How do I get rid of ransomware?
It is crucial to note that besides encrypting your files, the Shinra virus will most likely install Vidar Stealer on your machine to get access to credentials to different accounts (including cryptocurrency wallets). That program can derive your logins and passwords from your browser’s auto-filling cardfile.
Remove Shinra with Gridinsoft Anti-Malware
それ以来、当社のシステムでもこのソフトウェアを使用しています。, ウイルスの検出には常に成功しています. It has blocked the most common Ransomware as 私たちのテストから示された ソフトウェアを使って, and we assure you that it can remove Shinra as well as other malware hiding on your computer.

Gridinsoft を使用して悪意のある脅威を削除するには, 以下の手順に従ってください:
1. まずは Gridinsoft Anti-Malware をダウンロードしてください, 下の青いボタンから、または公式ウェブサイトから直接アクセスできます グリディンソフト.com.
2.Gridinsoft セットアップ ファイルが完成したら (setup-gridinsoft-fix.exe) ダウンロードされています, ファイルをクリックして実行します. Follow the installation setup wizard's instructions diligently.

3. にアクセスしてください "スキャンタブ" on the application's start screen and launch a comprehensive "フルスキャン" コンピュータ全体を調べるには. この包括的なスキャンはメモリを網羅します。, スタートアップアイテム, レジストリ, サービス, 運転手, そしてすべてのファイル, 考えられるすべての場所に隠されたマルウェアを確実に検出する.

我慢して, as the scan duration depends on the number of files and your computer's hardware capabilities. この時間をリラックスしたり、他のタスクに集中したりするために使用してください.
4. 完了時に, マルウェア対策は、PC 上で検出されたすべての悪意のあるアイテムと脅威を含む詳細なレポートを表示します。.

5. レポートから特定された項目をすべて選択し、自信を持って "今すぐ掃除してください" ボタン. この操作により、悪意のあるファイルがコンピュータから安全に削除されます, さらなる有害な行為を防ぐために、それらをマルウェア対策プログラムの安全な隔離ゾーンに転送します。.

6. プロンプトが表示された場合, コンピュータを再起動して、システム全体のスキャン手順を完了します。. このステップは、残っている脅威を確実に完全に除去するために重要です。. 再起動後, Gridinsoft Anti-Malware が開き、次のことを確認するメッセージが表示されます。 スキャンの完了.
Gridinsoft は 6 日間の無料トライアルを提供していることを忘れないでください. つまり、無料の試用期間を利用してソフトウェアの利点を最大限に体験し、システムでの今後のマルウェア感染を防ぐことができます。. Embrace this opportunity to fortify your computer's security without any financial commitment.
Often racketeers would decode several of your files to prove that they indeed have the decryption tool. Since the Shinra virus is a relatively recent ransomware, safety measures developers have not yet found a way to undo its work. しかし, the decryption instruments are frequently updated, so an effective countermeasure may soon arrive.
Understandably, if the criminals succeed in encoding someone’s essential files, the hopeless person will probably comply with their demands. しかし, paying a ransom gives no guarantee that you’re getting your files back. It is still risky. After receiving the ransom, the racketeers may deliver the wrong decryption code to the victim. There were reports about criminals just disappearing after getting the ransom without even writing back.
The best countermeasure to ransomware is to have a system restore point or the copies of your essential files in the cloud storage or at least on external storage. Of course, that might be not enough. The most important thing could be the one you were working on when it all started. But at least it is something. It is also reasonable to scan your PC for viruses with the antivirus program after the OS restoration.
There are other ransomware products, besides Shinra, that work similarly. Examples of those are BGJS, and BGZQ Ransomware. The two basic differences between them and the Shinra are the ransom amount and the method of encryption. The rest is almost identical: files become blocked, their extensions altered, and ransom notes are created in each folder containing encrypted files.
Some fortunate users were able to decrypt the blocked files with the help of the free software provided by anti-ransomware experts. Sometimes the racketeers accidentally send the decoding key to the wronged in the ransom note. Such an epic fail allows the injured part to restore the files. But naturally, one should never rely on such a chance. Remember, ransomware is a criminal’s tool to pull the money out of their victims.
How to avert ransomware infiltration?
Shinra ransomware doesn’t have a superpower, neither does any similar malware.
You can protect your computer from its injection within several easy steps:
- Ignore any letters from unknown senders with strange addresses, or with content that has nothing to do with something you are expecting (can you win in a money prize draw without even taking part in it?). In case the email subject is more or less something you are expecting, scrutinize all elements of the dubious letter carefully. A hoax letter will always contain a mistake.
- Do not use cracked or untrusted programs. Trojans are often spread as a part of cracked products, possibly under the guise of “patch” preventing the license check. But potentially dangerous programs are very hard to tell from trustworthy ones, because trojans sometimes have the functionality you need. Try searching for information on this software product on the anti-malware forums, but the best solution is not to use such programs at all.
- And finally, to be sure about the safety of the objects you downloaded, check them with GridinSoft Anti-Malware. This program will be a powerful defense for your system.
Frequently Asked Questions
🤔 Are the “.神羅3” files accessible?
Unfortunately, no. You need to decipher the “.神羅3” files first. Then you will be able to open them.
🤔 What should I do to make my files accessible as fast as possible?
It’s good if you have fаr-sightedly saved copies of these important files elsewhere. If not, there is still a function of System Restore but it needs a Restore Point to be previously saved. All other solutions require time.
🤔 If GridinSoft deletes the Shinra malware, will it also delete my files that were encrypted?
No way! Your encrypted files are no threat to your PC.
GridinSoft Anti-Malware only deals with active viruses. The ransomware that has infiltrated your PC is must be still active and it scans your system periodically to arrest any new files you might create on your PC after the initial attack. As it has been said above, the Shinra malware does not come alone. It installs backdoors and keyloggers that can take your account passwords by trespass and provide malefactors with easy access to your system after some time.
🤔 What to do if the Shinra ransomware has blocked my computer and I can’t get the activation code.
In such an unfortunate situation, you need to prepare a memory stick with a previously installed Trojan Killer. Use Safe Mode to do the cleaning. You see, the ransomware runs automatically as the system launches and encodes any new files created or imported into your PC. To block this function – use Safe Mode, which allows only the essential programs to run automatically. Consider reading our manual on booting Windows in Safe Mode.
🤔 What could help the situation right now?
Some of the encrypted data can be found elsewhere.
- If you sent or received your important files via email, you could still download them from your online mailbox.
- You might have shared images or videos with your friends or family members. Just ask them to send those images back to you.
- If you have initially got any of your files from the Internet, you can try doing it again.
- Your messengers, social networks pages, and cloud drives might have all those files as well.
- Maybe you still have the needed files on your old PC, a laptop, cellphone, flash memory, etc.