Virus trojan


This article introduces you to the latest and popular trojan, Win64:Malware-Gen. Avast and AVG antivirus systems have been named for identifying suspicious but undefined files. While Win64:Malware-Gen shares traits with other trojans or viruses, it also stands out in several ways. Read on for more details.

Avast Keeps Catching Virus: Win64:Malware-gen

I have this problem, where Avast keeps catching this virus called Win64:Malware over and over again for about 20 days now, and I’m not sure what I should do about it. I added the logs from Malwarebytes. The infected file is wmcodecs.dll and the location is C:\Windows\System32. I think the Avast background scanner is catching it. Maybe you could help me with this problem?Reddit User

What Is Win64 Malware Gen?



Avast Antivirus specifically designed and utilizes Win64:Malware-gen as a heuristic detection to generically identify a trojan horse. The executable of Win64 Malware gen can function as ransomware, hijacking and encrypting files on the infected computer and demanding payment for their release.

In many cases, the Win64:Malware-gen ransomware advises its victims to transfer money, aiming to mitigate the risks the trojan poses to the affected device.

Typically, the modifications Malware-gen executes on infected computers include:

  • Opening, editing, modifying, renaming, encrypting, moving, distributing, deleting, or destroying files.
  • Conducting network activity undetected, as it evades the Microsoft API designed to monitor such activity in Windows operating systems over the last 30 days.
  • Blocking routine access to the target’s workstation, a common virus behavior known as a locker. This virus type restricts access to the computer until the victim pays a ransom.

How Does Win64:Malware-gen Infect a Computer?

Win64 Malware-gen can infiltrate your machine through phishing emails or if you visit a malicious website. Inoltre, it spreads via pirated software installers, cracked programs, software loaders, keygens, downloads from dubious sites, torrent websites, strange links, fake updates, and other unsafe sources.

How Does Win64 Malware Gen Work?

Upon successful infection, this virus encrypts data or disrupts program functionality. It also generates a ransom note demanding payment from the victim for data decryption or tool unblocking. Victims usually encounter this ransom note upon restarting their computers after the hijack becomes apparent.

Globally, Win64 Malware-Gen is rapidly spreading. The ransom demand and the note’s presentation, however, can vary by region.

For instance, in some areas, it may send false alerts about unlicensed software on the victim’s computer, demanding ransom. Alternatively, in places with less emphasis on app privacy, it might impersonate a law enforcement body, falsely alleging illegal content on the victim’s device and demanding payment.

GridinSoft Anti-Malware Review
It is better to prevent, than repair and repent!
When we talk about the intrusion of unfamiliar programs into your computer’s work, the proverb “Forewarned is forearmed” describes the situation as accurately as possible. Gridinsoft Anti-Malware is exactly the tool that is always useful to have in your armory: fast, efficient, up-to-date. It is appropriate to use it as an emergency help at the slightest suspicion of infection.
Disponibile la prova di 6 giorni di Gridinsoft Anti-Malware.
EULA | politica sulla riservatezza | 10% Buono sconto

What Are the Negative Effects Caused by Win64:Malware-gen?

Win64:Malware may lead to the following adverse effects on infected computers:

  • Downloading and installing other malware.
  • Sending fake program updates or installation pop-ups.
  • Conducting click fraud.
  • Repurposing your computer for spamming or botnet inclusion.
  • Recording and sending your computer activities, like website visits, chats, and keystrokes, to a remote hacker.
  • Taking screenshots and hacking your webcam to record videos.
  • Allowing remote access for a hacker to steal login credentials by modifying and creating registry entries.
  • Displaying ads and turning webpage text into hyperlinks.
  • Using your sensitive data for fraudulent transactions, identity theft, illegal gambling, borrowing money, and other illicit activities, leading to significant financial loss once your privacy is breached.

Win64:Malware-gen Variants in Security Apps

Antivirus SoftwareDetection Name
Alibaba Cloud Security CenterTrojanDropper:Win64/LaZagne.8fcc6442
EmsisoftTrojan.GenericKD.33545160 (B)
K7GWRiskware ( 0040eff71 )
McAfee GW
Qihoo 360HEUR/QVM10.1.E9CF.Malware.Gen
SophosGeneric PUA KE (PUA)
Trend Micro Apex OneMalicious
TrendMicro HouseCallTROJ_GEN.R002H07CE20

Remove Win64:Malware-Gen with Gridinsoft Anti-Malware

Da allora utilizziamo questo software anche sui nostri sistemi, ed è sempre riuscito a rilevare i virus. It has blocked the most common Trojan viruses as mostrato dai nostri test con il software, and we assure you that it can remove Win64:Malware-Gen as well as other malware hiding on your computer.

Gridinsoft Anti-Malware - Schermata principale

Utilizzare Gridinsoft per rimuovere minacce dannose, seguire i passaggi seguenti:

1. Inizia scaricando Gridinsoft Anti-Malware, accessibile tramite il pulsante blu qui sotto o direttamente dal sito ufficiale

2.Una volta che il file di installazione di Gridinsoft (setup-gridinsoft-fix.exe) viene scaricato, eseguirlo facendo clic sul file. Follow the installation setup wizard's instructions diligently.

Configurazione guidata di Gridinsoft

3. Accedi al "Scheda Scansione" on the application's start screen and launch a comprehensive "Scansione completa" per esaminare l'intero computer. Questa scansione inclusiva abbraccia la memoria, elementi di avvio, il registro, servizi, conducenti, e tutti i file, garantendo che rilevi malware nascosto in tutte le posizioni possibili.

Scan for Win64:Malware-Gen Trojan viruses

Essere pazientare, as the scan duration depends on the number of files and your computer's hardware capabilities. Usa questo tempo per rilassarti o dedicarti ad altre attività.

4. Al termine, Anti-Malware presenterà un rapporto dettagliato contenente tutti gli elementi dannosi e le minacce rilevati sul tuo PC.

The Win64:Malware-Gen was Found

5. Seleziona tutti gli elementi identificati dal rapporto e fai clic con sicurezza su "Pulisci adesso" pulsante. Questa azione rimuoverà in modo sicuro i file dannosi dal tuo computer, trasferendoli nella zona di quarantena sicura del programma anti-malware per prevenire ulteriori azioni dannose.

The Win64:Malware-Gen has been removed

6. Se richiesto, riavviare il computer per finalizzare la procedura di scansione completa del sistema. Questo passaggio è fondamentale per garantire la rimozione completa di eventuali minacce rimanenti. Dopo il riavvio, Gridinsoft Anti-Malware si aprirà e visualizzerà un messaggio di conferma completamento della scansione.

Ricorda che Gridinsoft offre una prova gratuita di 6 giorni. Ciò significa che puoi sfruttare gratuitamente il periodo di prova per sperimentare tutti i vantaggi del software e prevenire eventuali future infezioni da malware sul tuo sistema. Embrace this opportunity to fortify your computer's security without any financial commitment.

Informazioni sull'autore

Brendan Smith

I'm Brendan Smith, un giornalista appassionato, ricercatore, e sviluppatore di contenuti web. Con un forte interesse per la tecnologia informatica e la sicurezza, Sono specializzato nella fornitura di contenuti di alta qualità che educano e consentono ai lettori di navigare nel panorama digitale.

Focalizzato sulla tecnologia informatica e sulla sicurezza, Mi impegno a condividere le mie conoscenze e intuizioni per aiutare gli individui e le organizzazioni a proteggersi nell'era digitale. La mia esperienza nei principi della sicurezza informatica, riservatezza dei dati, e le migliori pratiche mi consentono di fornire suggerimenti e consigli pratici che i lettori possono implementare per migliorare la propria sicurezza online.

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