Avaliações de software

Gridinsoft Trojan Killer

Discovering an affordable antivirus that thrives on a USB drive isn’t easy. This article will unveil why Gridinsoft Trojan Killer stands out as the ideal companion for your digital protection needs and guide you on harnessing its power effectively.

In our interconnected world, the evolution of antimalware software mirrors the pace of globalization. With each update, leading antivirus solutions like Kaspersky and Norton expand their repertoire, becoming Swiss Army knives of digital protection. They safeguard passwords, monitor apps for keystroke surveillance, offer parental controls, and fortify browser security, all within a single package. This all-encompassing approach is fantastic, provided your system can bear the weight of such extensive features without breaking a sweat. No entanto, for those with less robust setups, these behemoth programs may monopolize 60-70% of system resources, leaving little room for anything beyond basic tasks.

Against this backdrop, a growing number of users are on the lookout for a nimble, yet potent alternative that covers essential security measures like scanning and network repair without the bloat. The cherry on top? Portability. The flexibility to carry your antivirus on a USB stick, ready to spring into action on any PC, is not just a convenience but a necessity for many, from everyday users to IT professionals. Amid a sea of options that promise much but deliver little, Gridinsoft Trojan Killer emerges as the rare gem that meets these criteria without compromise.

Key Features of Trojan Killer

What makes Trojan Killer my antivirus of choice? Beyond its incredible flexibility, it’s remarkably light on system resources. Yet, it doesn’t skimp on functionality, offering all essential antimalware capabilities: comprehensive system scans, targeted removable drives checks, customizable scans, and a dedicated browser repair tool. This browser-fixing feature, distinct yet seamlessly integrated with the main application, stands out as a testament to Trojan Killer’s thoughtful design.

Trojan Killer’s prowess doesn’t end there. Its standout feature is the ability to operate directly from USB drives, transforming any removable storage into a powerful malware-eradication device. This level of portability ensures that the software remains untouched by malicious software, allowing for effective cleaning of infected PCs under any circumstances. Coupled with leading file/disk recovery tools like PhotoRec or ReclaiMe, it forms an indispensable toolkit for addressing nearly any challenge post-malware attack.

Trojan Killer mounted on the USB drive

Appearance and Interface

Trojan Killer doesn’t just excel in functionality; its design simplicity is another high point. With an intuitive interface that makes navigation a breeze for users of all ages, it demystifies cybersecurity. Gone are the baffling tech jargon and intrusive pop-ups, replaced with clear, straightforward language.

The main screen immediately presents all vital functions, eliminating the need to wade through layers of menus. Whether you’re conducting Standard or Full scans, checking Removable drives, or customizing scans, everything is accessible right from the start. Even updating Trojan Killer is a breeze—just a quick tap on the refresh icon at the top of the window.

Main view

The browser reset tool is equally user-friendly, supporting all popular browsers—Chrome, Ópera, Firefox, Edge, and Internet Explorer. Adjusting which browsers to reset is straightforward, with a simple click to toggle on or off (grey indicates no reset). Abaixo, you’ll find a comprehensive list of settings that can easily be reverted to their default states, ensuring your browsing experience is as smooth and secure as possible.

Reset browser settings window in Trojan Killer

The Remarkable Efficiency of Trojan Killer

In the quest to validate Trojan Killer’s prowess against the digital menace, I embarked on a rigorous test—a showdown with a folder brimming with 1392 malware specimens. This digital Pandora’s box contained every conceivable type of threat: adware, browser hijackers, stealthy stealers, backdoors, ransomware—you name it. Such diversity in my malware menagerie ensured a thorough and objective assessment.

Folder with 1392 viruses inside

Initiating the battle with a Custom scan, I directed Trojan Killer to the heart of the storm and hit “Scan Now.”

Choosing the folder to scan in Trojan Killer

The skirmish was brief—lasting merely 15 seconds, showcasing the speed with which Trojan Killer can operate under focused conditions. Naturally, broader expeditions across the entire disk take longer, but the initial blitz was impressive.

Scanning process in Trojan Killer

At the end, victory was complete: all 1392 digital intruders were unmasked, ready to be purged with a simple “Clean now!” command.

Scan was completed

This feat of strength not only proves Trojan Killer’s efficacy but underscores its untapped potential, with abilities like scanning within archives without the need for extraction.

An Offer You Can’t Ignore: Trojan Killer’s Pricing

Recall the financial burden often associated with premium antimalware solutions? Trojan Killer challenges this norm. Where leading solutions hover around the 80$ mark for an annual license, Trojan Killer introduces a refreshingly accessible price point of just 36$ for a year of robust protection. The breakdown is as follows:

  • PersonalA mere 24$ for six months, 36$ for a year, ou 48$ for two years, covering a single device.
  • CorporateAt 72$ per year, offering annual protection across unlimited devices.
  • CommercialDesigned for commercial use at 70$ per month, with no cap on device numbers.
Brendan Smith
Brendan Smith
Especialista em segurança de TI
É melhor prevenir, do que reparar e se arrepender!
When we talk about the intrusion of unfamiliar programs into your computer's work, o provérbio "Prevenido é prevenido" descreve a situação com a maior precisão possível. Gridinsoft Trojan Killer is exactly the tool that is always useful to have in your armory: rápido, eficiente, atualizado. É apropriado usá-lo como ajuda de emergência à menor suspeita de infecção.
Trojan Killer
Gridinsoft Trojan Killer 14-day trial available.
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But it’s not just about the numbers. Each plan tailors to different needs, from personal safeguarding to enterprise-level defense, Incluindo professional support for Corporate users and an option to embed your company’s logo within Trojan Killer for Commercial subscribers.

Sobre o autor

Brendan Smith

I'm Brendan Smith, um jornalista apaixonado, investigador, e desenvolvedor de conteúdo web. Com grande interesse em tecnologia de informática e segurança, Sou especializado em fornecer conteúdo de alta qualidade que educa e capacita os leitores a navegar no cenário digital.

Focado em tecnologia de informática e segurança, Estou empenhado em compartilhar meu conhecimento e insights para ajudar indivíduos e organizações a se protegerem na era digital. Minha experiência em princípios de segurança cibernética, dados privados, e as melhores práticas permitem-me fornecer dicas e conselhos práticos que os leitores podem implementar para melhorar a sua segurança online.

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